Friday, September 4, 2015

Morning, all! I thought it high time I posted some of my art on my blog, so here it is! I drew this for my friend for her birthday. She gets to be in Ravenclaw house, because she's just about the smartest gal I know! 

 Ah, Hogwarts clothes. Love them so much. This outfit was inspired by Cho Chang's ensemble in the fifth movie. Except Cho wears a button-up cardigan, while I made this one a pullover instead.

By the way, which Hogwarts house do you think you are in? I used to think Slytherin for me, but now I'm not so sure. I might be Ravenclaw. How about you? Send your answer via your owl, or just post a reply in the comments box below ...


  1. Hmm....I'm not so sure. I think either Ravenclaw, or Slytherin for me. Let me take a test thing to see what it says.....

    Your in-depth results are:

    Slytherin - 15
    Ravenclaw - 10
    Gryffindor - 8
    Hufflepuff - 8

    Guess where I would go....XDD Slytherin, I could live with that

    1. How delightful! You can chat up Draco Malfoy in Slytherin XD. At least the test matched your predictions. That's a novelty. What test did you take?

    2. Exactly XDDD

      Yeah, It's cool that I know myself SOOO well. Here's the test I took.

    3. Wow, that's a pretty decent test as far as Sorting Hat quizzes go! My results: 14 Ravenclaw, 14 Hufflepuff, 10 Gryffindor, 7 Slytherin. O.o Well, at least I guessed Ravenclaw right. Where did Hufflepuff come from?

    4. I got a lot of Hufflepuff too. I guess they interpret rational behavior as normal.

  2. I would either be in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff.... Dunno which. What do YOU think? XD

    1. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Hm. Hufffffflepuff? Yeah ... I think Hufflepuff.

  3. WOAH. That drawing is perfection!! What a cool b-day present :)

    Weeeell... Harry Potter's not my "thing" but I tried taking a Hogwart's sorting questionnaire regardless. I would evidently be in Slytherin. (Hopeless non-Potter questions this result XD )

    1. Thanks!!!

      XD Idk, Slytherins can be pretty awesome.

  4. I would either be Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. The test said Hufflepuff, but I disagree. :-D

    1. Oh yeah, definitely see the Ravenclaw and the Gryffindor in you! Either one would work. That makes you a Ravendor. Or a Gryffinclaw. Mm-hmm.

  5. So I saw this and I was like, "HEY SOMEONE ARTED" and that made me happy. XD

    SHE'S ADORABLE AND CUTE AND SO RAVENCLAW AND YASS. You're quite good, you know. :)

    as for what house I'd be in... I dunno. I shall find a quiz and check.....

    I'm ravenclaw, which makes me happy. :)

    1. Right? I love seeing people's art. Your blog makes me happy XD.

      Doesn't Ravenclaw look good on her? XDDD. Daw, thank you! That means a lot coming from you :).

      Awww, yeah! Ravenclaw! *high five* XD
