Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Imagination and Reality

NOTE: The fact that there are three Totoros standing next to the quote 
does not make the quote true.


In the end, people, you've got to face reality. I know, I know, I hate this as much as any of you. I spend a lot of time reading and writing, partly because I love it, but also because I just have to get away from the real world sometimes. I'm sure you feel the same way sometimes, and I can't say that I blame you. The real world is scary. Things are out of our out control. Days are often humdrum, occasionally blue, and sometimes even downright gruesome. Getting away from it all, even for a while, can be really, well, nice. In the stories I love, even the sad endings are beautifully written. But  it's not like that in real life.

Or is it?

Look around, guys. Who's in control here? The One who works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Our lives aren't orchestrated by some tacky director whose goal is to make a bestseller that will make gobs of people happy. Look closely: Romans 8:28 doesn't say that God works all things together for the happiness of those who love Him. Happiness is an unstable thing. It changes. That song that made you feel so happy yesterday just might not work today. Good, however, is different. Good is constant. It isn't changed by how you happen to be feeling. On days when I'm feeling too miserable to get out of bed, Good whispers in my ear truths so pure and strong that they pull even me to my dragging feet. Good prevails.

God's ways are higher than our ways. Life may not always go the way I want it to, but that's okay. I'm glad it doesn't, actually. Gosh, if my life always went the way I wanted it to, I'd be in deep trouble right now. God's plan for my life is so much better than anything I can imagine. 

And speaking of imagining, that brings me back to the quote at the top of the page: I'm not saying that imagination is inherently bad! Don't get me wrong on that. Imagination is a God-given thing. Remember that amazing plan that God has for you? Your imagination is one of the gifts He gave you that will help you along the way. So don't use imagination to escape this world; use it to make this world even better. 

Come back to the real world, but bring imagination with you: make it become reality. Share your amazing life with us. And never forget to give God the glory.