"Here one minute and gone the next
and never coming back." ~ Tom Stoppard
Yes, yes, an absence:
someone failing to appear, ever again.
If that is death --
if that is how we understand it,
percieve it,
if death is an absence
and I never see you again --
why then,
you are dead,
at least, so far as I am concerned.
No! my heart shouts, I will not have it! I must keep you alive,
in my mind if in no other way.
Details, details, details! I root through my memory for details,
details that will save you from indistinction
and distinguish you from the blurry crowds
once pristine in my mind.
A lanyard, shorts, basketball shoes;
pretzel sticks, a sofa.
There - it all comes back, for a moment.
I can hear your voice if I listen,
I see your face in motion,
at least for now.
Will it someday lose mobility
and become a photo like the rest?
They were once a reel of films; now they are just a yearbook,
a yearbook of voiceless photos that do not do them justice.
It's not that I will be lonely!
I know I will make new friends.
But for now my heart rails against them,
the vibrant, laughing newcomers
who will rise to take your place.
I know I will come to love them,
as I love you
but oh
I am so tired of letting go
and I'd rather hold on to you forever.
I read "and become a photo like the rest" as "and become a potato like the rest". And I was momentarily quite confused. XD
LOL. Do not become a potato, Becca ... like all the rest ... *stares off into distance*
DeleteXD Thanks! That means a lot coming from you :).